Ph 770.992.7198  TF 800.659-9654  Fax 770.992-7489

  DPI’s price for a 24x36 is only $.72  
The street price is $1.50.    Save $.78 a sheet!
  DPI’s price for a 30x42 is only $1.05  
The street price is $2.10.  Save $1.05 a sheet!

All orders are printed and shipped the same day. 
We will ship the drawings overnight ground for the flat-rate of only $6.00.

(We do have a $15.00 minimum print order) See delivery map

We are EASY to use:
 When the GC emails you an Invitation to Bid, forward the email to:
dpi@dunwoodyprinting.com  with a note as to what you want printed.
That is all you have to do! You will get your plans delivered to your office the next day.

We can print from any Invitation to Bid!
DPI has every job in Georgia that you see on LDI®, Dodge & ISQFT®

Questions? Please call Scott Harris 770-992-7198 or 800-659-9654

Compare our prices & you will see why we are saving Subs hundreds every month.